Reply from Eric, Age 29 - 4/10/03 - IP#:   adultbb-c1135

Hello Rafael, my name is Eric. I live in Bardstown, Kentucky. I know how you feel.I too am caffiene sensitive and i deal with the same problem.Imagine that,a bedwetting Baptist preacher! Snail-mail me@:Bro. Eric B. Duncanson,203 N. Elm Grove Ave. Bardstown, Kentucky 40004. Remember, Rafael, God loves you just the way you are and He sent His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross to wash away your sins with His precious Blood ( John 1:28,3:16 ) and rise again 3 days later to give eternal life to all who call on His Name!!!! (Romans 10:9,10,13 )Goodbye and God Bless You !