Reply from adam, Age 25 - 6/10/03 - IP#:   adultbb-c1221

Mandi, You're right, go to the doctor!!! Or, if you're too scared to tell your parents, you could go to your local health department and they should be able to help you out without having to tell your parents right away. It would be a very good idea to tell your parents about this soon, but if you're not sure how then the health department can give you advice on the best way to do that. As for your question, I'm no expert but I don't think that a sudden re-occurrence of wetting problems (I'm assuming that's why you posted here?) is a sign of pregnancy, at least not at an early stage. It could, however, be a sign of a sexually transmitted infection, which is another reason you should get checked out by a doctor or health clinic right away! I know you are in a rough situation and I wish I could do more to help, but you really need to see a health professional about this. Please feel free to reply back if you're not sure how to do this. Best wishes, Adam