Reply from Matt, Age 26 - 5/13/01 - IP#:

Paul: I am a lifelong bedwetter. I had to go to the hospital and stay for several days a few months back. When they admit you there will be questions on a form that the nurse will ask you, actually your mom, about. One of the question will be about any problems with urinary funtions or bladder or bwetting. If you answer yes, which I guess you will ahve to then they will aks you ro your parents hwo do you want to handle this. Since I was an adult I guess I had a choice. At home I do wear diapres at night cause I wet almost every night. I didn't wnat to hafve to wear them in the hospital but I guess I figured it was not as messy as having someone coem and clean up me ant eh bed wvery morning so i just told htem that diapers would perhaps be the best for everyone. The nurse I think was hoping thats what I woudl say. It was not so bad. I wanted to do my own changing but for the first couple of nights after they removed the catheter I was groggy and a male nurse or assistant changed me. After that I did it myself. For your age I don't know what they and your mom will decide. I think its going ot be moslty up to you and your mom. Hey this was not big deal for them. They do this a chundreds times a day. For them its like taking your blood pressure. Relax and don't worry. If you are going to the hopital you must have bigger thigns to worry about than wetting your bed adn havign to wear a diaper.