Reply from ben, Age 14 - 5/1/02

Hi Conor, how are you ?? I hope you are fine. I wanna tell you that I'm bedwetter too and I wet every night. I must wear it everyday if I don't wear it I will wet my pants. So don't be ashimed with me and I think that is normal. You still grow up dude and don't worry about that. I know that its too difficult for you and I ever feel like that. But remember we are so lucky I mean can you imagine if you have one eye or one foot ?? Why I say we are so lucky ?? Because nobody know about this if we are not tell about this and its only your parent know about this. If you have one eye or one foot everybody will know about that because you can't hide it from other people. Like us that we just wear diaper and after that we will cover it with pants. I think we are the same. I mean you are human and so do I. You need friends and me too, we need friends for help. I have many-many friends and they are bedwetter too. I always chat with them everyday and their age the same with you. We talk about bedwetter or about something what we want to talk. We always sharing each other. Please don't ever-ever feel that you are the only bedwetter. No way. You know for me bedwetter or not, young or old than me it is not important but friendship more important than it. I love friendship its mean I love all my friends. Usually I chat with my friends at 6:00pm eastern time and you can meet me at that time. My yahoo id in messanger cuteboy_007_2000 but If you wanna talk with me via email its okay and my email Don't be sad okay and cheer up dude. I'm your friend okay. You can contact me if you want it but if you don't want it's okay and I can't force you. But if you need me for sharing I'll listen it and I'll help you. Don't worry I won't bite you because I'm not a dog. He he he. Hey keep smilling okay because if you keep smilling everyday its mean you have added one point in your life. Okay Conor, keep in touch and keep smilling okay. Take care yourself. See you later and bye !! Bye,jun