Reply from John, Age 13Hey Jason, I wet the bed too, and I wear goodnites. When we go on a trip my parents make me wear my goodnites because sometimes I can't hold it in and I pee in the car. So one weekend when we were going to Clevland and I had brought one of my friends (who is a GIRL). I told my Dad ahead of time that I had to go to the restroom and he said that we didn't have time to stop because we were running behind time. So, I got to the point were I couldn't hold it any more. I had bad diarea and it made a mess on me and it came out the sides of the goodnite and on the car seat. Then we had to pull to the side of the highway and change me. My friend got out of the back seat and my Dad told me to lay down on the seat. He ripped the sides of the goodnite off and started to wipe around my private area, my friend saw my you know what and I was really embarressed. some body please write to me at and help me out. WHAT SHOULD I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |