Reply from bernie, Age 26 - 1/14/01

I don"t know if your joking or not, but I'm handicapped in certain ways, and go mountain clibing and deside to stay the night, you think "Ok, now what"? But we have to do what we have to do. Alot of people have this problem, ya I"ve done it all my life, ya I'm lucky if I was in underwear fot 2 mabey 3 days, my dad wouldn't put with a 4 yr old "BABBY BOY" SO I'VE been like this every day, and the bottle, pasifire, dipers, i eventully got used to, but going camping "NO" exppecilly when the guy who took us had to change me and feed me and bath me IN FRONT OF THE OTHERS PER ORDERS...You thnink that was fun???? I don't....It's still that way today GOT TO GO