Reply from jack, Age 34 - 3/24/01 - IP#:

Dear Granpa aged 65 your letter date 15/3/01, This problem you have with the boys wetting there bed is not unusall i`m 34 and wet the bed most of my younger life, i stopped when i was sixteen years old. First thing to do is ask the boys if they have anything on there minds that they find hard to talk about,the other thing to start doing right away is cut out drinks about 2 hours before they go to bed, "that worked for me".Also ask them if they are being bullied at school, as this is sometimes the most common problem in all school children, girls and boys, i know because i was in the care of the social services for most of my child hood 1968 to 1982, and met all sorts of troubled children even though i was one myself. I hope this is of some help, if this does not work then you really show consult your gp about this as i wont go away. Kind Regards. Jack.