From Dave, Age 13 - 12/13/00 - IP#: Click here to reply Hi Guys , tomorrow i'll switch from Pampers 6 toGoodnites. In the pamper i sometimes had poopyaccidents and i wondered if you can poop inGoodnites like you can in Pampers without makinga mess.
Reply from john, Age 11 - 5/12/02 - IP#:
Reply from D man, Age 13 - 5/6/01 - IP#:
Reply from Josh, Age 14 - 12/13/00 - IP#:
From Tim, Age 14 - 12/12/00 - IP#: Click here to reply I am not a bedwetter, indeed, i have never had any problems until recently - when i completely wet my pants at school. It was a double lesson and i was unable to hold on till break time, and ended up having a massive accident in my pants.Everyone, even my friends laughted at me - then now call me 'wet pants' all the time.Am i the only 14 y/o ever to have wet hmself at school ? i sure do feel like it.
Reply from Rick, Age 53 - 5/28/04 - IP#:
Reply from adam, Age 16 - 6/18/03 - IP#:
Reply from Kiera, Age 19 - 3/30/02 - IP#:
Reply from Edward , Age 16 - 9/20/01 - IP#:
Reply from edward , Age 16 - 9/20/01 - IP#:
Reply from D man, Age 13 - 5/6/01 - IP#:
Reply from john, Age 14 - 2/7/01 - IP#:
Reply from james, Age 21 - 1/11/01 - IP#:
Reply from Darren, Age 22 - 12/13/00 - IP#:
From jennifer, Age 13 - 12/11/00 - IP#: Click here to reply im 13yrs old and i wet the bed almost every night and sometimes during the day.ive been to alot of doctors and all say there is no reason for me to wet my mom insists that i wear a diaper at all times.its embarrsing when i go to changes my diapers for me she wont let me do it myself.if im wet at school i have to go to the school nurse to get changed.every other class i have to stop at the nurses ofice and let her check to se if im also takes me to use the br when i need to go.she treats me like such a baby i dont know what to do.can any one offer some advice?
Reply from Edward, Age 16 - 9/20/01 - IP#:
Reply from Danny, Age 16 - 8/12/01 - IP#:
Reply from michelle, Age 16I too wear diapers - 6/14/01 - IP#:
Reply from Mr.T, Age 46 - 6/1/01 - IP#:
Reply from D man, Age 13 - 5/6/01 - IP#:
Reply from catie, Age 14 - 4/6/01 - IP#:
Reply from KAYLA, Age 12 - 3/4/01 - IP#:
Reply from johnny, Age 16 - 2/7/01 - IP#:
Reply from nikki, Age 11 - 1/18/01 - IP#:
From Jake, Age 13 - - IP#: Click here to reply Hi, I'm Jake and I wet my bed almost everynight and my pants every now and then but not enough to wear diapers during the day. I wear a goodnight to bed every night. Two weeks ago i woke up and found that I had pooped in my diaper during the night. I didnt think it was something to worry about but it has happened like 4 more times since. But thats not the worst part. After sports at my school all the boys shower at the same time. Last week when i was taking a shower, I looked down and I was peeing. I didnt think anyone saw so I turned around real quick. Then I felt a wierd feeling in my tummy. I looked down and saw that I was pooping all over the shower floor. It just kept coming out and I couldnt hold it. Everyone saw and was making fun of me. I ran to the toilet pooping the whole way. The coach was really mad and I really dont want to go to school. Has this ever happened to anyone? please respond and tell me what i should do. Thanks
Reply from ben, Age 10 - 6/15/02 - IP#:
Reply from D man, Age 13 - 5/6/01 - IP#:
Reply from Darren, Age 13 - 12/13/00 - IP#:
Reply from Jake, Age 10 - 12/12/00 - IP#:
Reply from BJ, Age 18 - 12/12/00 - IP#:
Reply from Justin, Age 13 - 12/11/00 - IP#:
From Darren, Age 22 - 12/8/00 - IP#: Click here to reply When is this site going to get an adult bedwetters section? (actually do we need it now? 'cos I think all the sick adults have actually disappeared with the IP number being shown (good one Wiz!) and the adults with the proper bed-wetting problems know how to behave properly as they are just as embarressed about the problem, if not more, than the children)Some information about my problem - I have wet the bed since I was born and have tried everything (waking up in the middle of the night with an alarm clock, not drinking anything before bed, etc, etc) and none of it seems to have worked. At the moment I use either adult nappies, child nappies with underpants or DryNites (depending on what I can afford at the time, having just been a student and oweing the bank a fortune!!). I don't drink alchohol (except church) so my problem isn't anything to do with alchohol irritating my bladder (I don't even think I spelt it right). Even though I have this problem I am in a Warrington scout group and go on camps (I used to stay awake all night and got the nickname the phantom pee-er! as I went to the toilet every 5 secs at night) now I am a cub leader I find it too tiring to stay awake all night so I decided on the millennium camp to see if I could stay dry for one night (I soon found out I couldn't, OH DEAR!!!) luckily another leader was very good to me and sorted out drying the sleeping bag (if Ray reads this thanx Ray!). I also went to London recently to a YHA and at first I wasn't going to tell the YHA about my problem but Juergen Kriks (a social worker from Germany I met through this message board) advised me to tell them (thanx Juergen), and they were very understanding (even though I'm 22!). Also sometimes when I fall asleep during the day I wet myself like when I was ill a few months ago I wet the sofa when I was asleep recovering and I was lucky going down to London and coming back as I decided not to take any chances (I didn't want a coach cleaning bill on my hands :-)) I decided to wear a nappy just in case and I fell asleep going down and coming back (6hr journey +1 hr as the coach was running late!!) and wet myself. I also sometimes wet during the day if I can't get to a toilet in time like once I was coming home from Preston to Warrington by bus and I got off the bus at Wigan dying for the loo only to find they lock the toilets at 5.30 and I was there at 6pm and before I could find another toilet I wet myself and ended up walking round Wigan for an hour (missing 2 buses home!) trying to dry off (I'm glad I didn't wet on the bus). So there is some information about my problem, anyone who wants to contact me you can e-mail me at or ICQ me on 82810486
Reply from Darren, Age 22 - 7/16/01 - IP#:
Reply from ray , Age 28 - 1/19/01 - IP#:
Reply from Davy, Age 13 - - IP#:
Reply from pete, Age 19 - 12/12/00 - IP#:
Reply from Darren, Age 22 - 12/10/00 - IP#:
Reply from JEFF, Age 43 - 12/10/00 - IP#:
From Daniel, Age 11 - 12/7/00 - IP#: Click here to reply I wet the bed every nite and sometimes in the day too! I feel really embarassed around people because my mom makes me wear diapers and she changes me when i wet myself, she wont let me change myself evin though i said i could. one time when a freind came ove i wet my self and my freind caught my mom changing me. i feel really embarassed about this and i wish there was somthing i could do . I cry sometimes at night because my mom yells at me becays she sais im a baby because i wet my self alot. i dont know what to do.
Reply from rick, Age 14I - 6/8/01 - IP#:
Reply from D man, Age 13 - 5/6/01 - IP#:
Reply from NATHAN, Age 11 - 1/26/01 - IP#:
Reply from Kyle, Age 15 - 1/23/01 - IP#:
Reply from chris, Age 11 - 1/20/01 - IP#:
Reply from chris, Age 11 - 1/20/01 - IP#:
Reply from ray, Age 28 - 1/19/01 - IP#:
Reply from Kyle, Age 15 - 1/6/01 - IP#:
Reply from Darren, Age 22 - 12/8/00 - IP#:
Reply from ginny, Age 13 - 12/8/00 - IP#:
From Justin, Age 17 - 12/7/00 - IP#: Click here to reply My name is Justin, I am 17 years old. I have started to wet the wed again. I had wet the bed when I was 3 or 4 but then I stoped. now I have started again. I have not told my mother yet. What should I do. I think she will think of me as a baby. The only person that knows is my girlfriend. She wets the bed to. I told her about my problem and she let me try one of her good nights. She is 17 and she wets the bed. I also got suspended from school. The reason is that I wet my pats and I went home and changed when I came back a teacher told me that I was suspended for leaving school grounds. I did not tell them the real reason why I left.Does any one have a susgestians. I am 17 years old and in the 11th grade. I wonder if any one could help me with this problem. My e-mail address is TupacKrazy05@Aol.Com
Reply from Bob, Age 17 - 4/2/03 - IP#:
Reply from amann, Age 28 - 7/27/01 - IP#:
Reply from Darren, Age 22 - 12/8/00 - IP#:
Reply from brett, Age 15 - 12/7/00 - IP#:
From danny, Age 15 - 12/7/00 - IP#: Click here to reply Ah Taylor, actually there are programs that parents can install, that enable them to read all in and out going mail. And you won't know it. This applies to free email like hotmail as well.If it's on your screen they can read it.This was in NEWSWEEK a while back. My point is....don't write something that you wouldn't want your mom to see. Besides, your mom knows about BW,so she would understand whatever Bingo or any other wetter writes about.....right? Take care....dude.
Reply from Nick , Age 14 - 2/24/01 - IP#:
Reply from Darren, Age 22 - 12/7/00 - IP#:
From Taylor, Age 12 - 12/6/00 - IP#: Click here to reply Hey Bingo! Thanks for the msg,i am glade to hear that i am not the only one that wears cloth diapers and plastic pants! You can e-mail me if you would like! i live in canada, (My mom can't read my mail)Later dude!taylor
Reply from ray, Age 28 - 1/19/01 - IP#:
From Darren, Age 22 - 12/6/00 - IP#: Click here to reply Are there any other adult bedwetters in Warrington, Cheshire, UK? Maybe we could form a adult bedwetting support group?
From ginny, Age 13 - 12/6/00 - IP#: Click here to reply hi i have been wetting the bed for about a year my mom has been very loving and understanding but yesterday i came home from school and she told me i have to start wearing diapers at nite but by the time i got ready for dinner she made me put one on or should i say she put one on me .i have never worn a diaper befor this is a new experience for me i didnt like it at all i ended up wetting it befor i went to bed then mom got mad at me and changed me .i cried most of the nite because of this ,it wasnt fun at all pleas is there anything i can do to make this any easier on me please tell me
Reply from Kiera, Age 19 - 3/30/02 - IP#:
Reply from rose chik, Age 28 - 7/27/01 - IP#:
Reply from rose chik, Age 28 - 7/27/01 - IP#:
Reply from Mr.T, Age 46 - 6/1/01 - IP#:
Reply from catie, Age 14 - 4/6/01 - IP#:
Reply from Jake, Age 10 - 12/8/00 - IP#:
Reply from Tomsdad, Age 42 - 12/6/00 - IP#:
Reply from mandy, Age 13 - 12/6/00 - IP#:
From Kristin, Age 13 - 12/5/00 - IP#: Click here to reply My little sister whos 3 just fully potty trained and i still wet my bed at night and sometimes in the day my mom makes me wear diapers and plastic pants at night time and now she sayss stuff like "see your baby sister has more control than you do" its so embarassing to wake up soaked in the morning when my baby sister is dry.. help me please!!
Reply from beth, Age 14 - 6/8/01 - IP#:
Reply from D man, Age 13 - 5/6/01 - IP#:
Reply from Sasha, Age 13 - 1/9/01 - IP#:
Reply from Bob, Age 14 - 12/11/00 - IP#:
Reply from charles, Age 20 - 12/6/00 - IP#:
Reply from danny, Age 15 - 12/5/00 - IP#: