From manos, Age 20 - 5/19/01 - IP#: Click here to reply Hi!two weeks now i wet my pants!I started to wear diapers!My parentns dont know it!Its anybody there who know how i can to say to mammy my problem?I am from greece!
Reply from Brittany, Age 9 - 4/1/03 - IP#:
Reply from pat, Age 14 - 10/11/02 - IP#:
Reply from chris, Age 13 - 4/25/02 - IP#:
Reply from cool joe, Age 13 - 1/16/02 - IP#:
From George, Age 18 - 5/19/01 - IP#: Click here to reply Γεια σας!Το προβλημα που εχω ειναι οτι το βραδυ βρεχω το κρεβατι μου και την μερα ορισμενες φορες τα ρουχα μου!Αρχισα να φοραω πανες αλλα ντρεπομαι να το πω στους γονεις μου!Υπαρχει καποιος απ την ελλαδα συγκεκριμενα που εχει το ιδιο προβλημα?Το η μεηλ μου ειναι!
Reply from ??????????????????/, Age ????? - 6/4/02 - IP#:
From Marco, Age 16 - 5/18/01 - IP#: Click here to reply ciaς, sono un ragazzo italiano di 16 anni. Mi chiamo Marco θ da sempre sono incontinente e per questo devo indossare il pannolone. Il mio problema θ aggravato dal fatto che oltre alla pipi faccio addosso anche la cacca, e posso assicurare che la cosa non θ assolutamente piacevole e causa molto imbarazzo e vergogna, soprattutto a scuola. Qui i miei amici e compagni conoscono ormai la mia situazione e tranne qualcuno che riesce a comprendermi, tutti gli altri mi prendono in giro e ridono di me, soprattutto quando devo uscire dalla classe per farmi cambiare e lavare. La cosa θ molto umiliante, ma sto ormai imparando a convivre con questo problema, anche perchθ mi θ stato detto che molto probabilmente me lo porterς dietro per tutta la vita. Mi piacerebbe, perς, che almeno a scuola mi permettessero di cambiarmi da solo, cosa che non succede per ragioni, dicono, di igiene e di pulizia. Scusate questo mio sfogo, ma θ raro avere la possibilitΰ di parlare di questo! Io vivo in puglia, e non conosco altri ragazzi che hanno il mio stesso problema, per cui sarei felice di poter dialogare con qualche ragazzo italiano che si trova nella mia situazione e dunque mi comprenda.
Reply from Tanya, Age 17 - 6/9/01 - IP#:
Reply from marco, Age 16 - 5/18/01 - IP#:
From Peter, Age 14 - 5/16/01 - IP#: Click here to reply Hi, I've recently been having problems with bowel control. I have been having sudden, uncontrollable urges to "poop", and when this happens, well, it gets messy.I don't want to tell my parents, but I'm having trouble cleaning myself, and it's getting hard to hide this from them.I don't want to have to wear diapers or have my parents have to wipe my bottom. What should I do?
Reply from Lynda, Age 34 - 5/18/03 - IP#:
Reply from megan, Age 15 - 2/9/02 - IP#:
Reply from mark, Age 14 - 1/5/02 - IP#:
Reply from jonathan, Age 15 - 6/22/01 - IP#:
From Neo, Age 15 - 5/15/01 - IP#: Click here to reply Hi,I'm 15 and I start 2 week ago to weet bed... my parents don't know that because I clean it and NOW I have diapers... but I don't want to tell my parents I'm a bedwetter ? Anyone can help me ?Sorry for my english but I'm Italian (, Sono un ragazzo italiano di 15 (quasi 16) anni e da due settimane ho cominciato a bagnare il letto...I miei genitori non lo sanno (ho pulito tutto) e ora porto i pannoloni... e non voglio che lo sappiano... oltre a portarmi da un medico non capirebbero ! Qualcuno mi puς aiutare ??? (
Reply from Kiera, Age 19 - 4/27/02 - IP#:
From Shawn, Age 11 - 5/14/01 - IP#: Click here to reply I just moved to a new city on Saturday. I don't like it. Going to a new school is hard. But the main problem isn't that. Today was the first day at my new school. I was just sitting there in class and I suddenly had to pee worse than I ever had before. The teacher was out of the room at the time, so there was no one I could ask if I could go use the bathroom. Then I looked down and my jeans were already soaked. At first no one noticed. Then before I knew it EVERYONE was laughing and pointing. Then I had to go to the office and call my mom to tell her what I had done and to bring new clothes. Nothing like this has ever happened before, and I don't know what to do. I do not have an email address, yet, but please leave a reply. I need some advice or just a friend to talk to. Leave your email address if you want because I should be getting one soon. Thanks.
Reply from Tony, Age 9 - 6/4/02 - IP#:
Reply from cool joe, Age 13 - 1/16/02 - IP#:
Reply from peter, Age 22 - 8/28/01 - IP#:
Reply from mike, Age 12 - 5/22/01 - IP#:
From k.w., Age 17 - 5/11/01 - IP#: Click here to reply I think that some of u are really lucky. I dont know, but I wet the bed until I was 9 or 10 and then last year in the fall I had a spell that lasted about 2 months. A few afternoons after school I wet my pants before I got home too, which really scared me. I was so upset because I hadnt wet in so long, and it was getting really annoying having to do laundry every morning before school. Anyways, I think some of you that your parents get you diapers and stuff are really lucky, I would have much rather had protection all that time than not. I bought some baby diapers when I was wetting last year because I was too embarrased to get the real thing, and they helped some but Im so big that they dont fit around me or anything, so Id have to be laying on my stomach for them to work any. But now I can still smell it a little in my room and its just embarrasing. I know there are others, but I wish there were people around my area that I know. Anyways, if anyone needs to talk about bedwetting I understand, just drop me a line at
From Bobby, Age 16 - 5/10/01 - IP#: Click here to reply I agree with Kyle. Too many People use this chatroom as their own perverse fantisy role playing. Gay men who pretent to be girls and engage boys in sexual conversations for their own gratifications. People pretending to be parents and babysitters trying to entrap us kids into role playing and revealing our phone numbers and e-mail addresses, and when we relize that these so called parents and babysitters are preditors and we strike back the chatmaster dares to disconnect and banned us saying we are rude to these so called parents. Any one else agree. - Bobby -
Reply from don, Age 39 - 11/6/03 - IP#:
Reply from danny, Age 15 - 5/27/01 - IP#:
Reply from mike hunter, Age 13 - 5/25/01 - IP#:
Reply from Stacey, Age 14 - 5/22/01 - IP#:
Reply from Jaime, Age 19 - 5/21/01 - IP#:
Reply from Michael, Age 16 - 5/13/01 - IP#:
Reply from Kyle , Age 15 - 5/12/01 - IP#:
Reply from Vincent, Age 15 - 5/11/01 - IP#:
From Kyle, Age 15 - 5/10/01 - IP#: Click here to reply All you sick people that claim you are treated like babies need to stop. It's not funny, and there are kids out there who really do wet the bed, and this sh*# offends them. Just stop.
Reply from me, Age old - 6/11/02 - IP#:
From Alex, Age 17 - 5/10/01 - IP#: Click here to reply I am not a bedwetter, however, I have a 16 year old brother, George, that is. The bedwetting part about him doesnt bother me that much, however, he refuses to clean up after himself. He rarely takes showers and never cleans his bed, only when forced to. The bad thing is, we live in a house too small to accomadate all of the people that live in it (I have another brother, a sister and three "step sisters" that live there too. Me and my other brother Abraham, have to walk through his room to get to ours (we share a room).I don't care that he is a bedwetter, it just is I don't really enjoy HAVING to smell it. Another thing, I don't really think it is accidental, as I am sure most of the people who posted messages in this site have. What can I do? One more thing. I think all of you the best of luck in overcoming your bedwetting problem and if you need someone to talk to, just E-mail me at
Reply from shana, Age 14 - 5/25/01 - IP#:
From Vincent, Age 15 - 5/10/01 - IP#: Click here to reply Unfortunately some people here like to post sick stories and e-mailadresses. I don't beleive the stories about being treated like babies and rooms like a nursury, acting like a baby, being spanked etc. Why do you guys post this sick stories? Why are you making fun of bedwetting? And if your parent even try to tread you like a baby let them know how sich they are!!!
Reply from bab , Age 15 - 4/17/03 - IP#:
Reply from eirjheeeha, Age 15 - 1/12/02 - IP#:
Reply from I_Agree, Age 18+ - 7/29/01 - IP#:
From Kim, Age 9 - 5/9/01 - IP#: Click here to reply Hi my name is Kim i am 9 and i wet the bed and my kickers.Ihave a stepdad,mum use to be ok about my weting.She puts a nappy on me for bed.My stepdad said mum should be stricter with me.Mum has never spanked me but she gave into him.So mum spanks my bare bottom he just sits watches which is embarising.When mum was out shoping i wet my knickers in the kitchen and my stepdad sore pool on floor,he said i was dirty little girl.there was knock on door and he went and opened it two of my friends.I started to run up stairs but grab my arm.He said your friends can find out wote a dirty girl you are.I started crying he showed them into the kitchen and said i had just wet myself.He then took hold of me took my skirt off.He showed them my wet knickers which he took off and rub over my face put me over lap and spanked me. sent me to my room to get changed and said when your mum gets home she can a nappy on you.this she did in front of my friends and him.please help me to stop weting i feel like killing myself now that every one knows.
Reply from Chris, Age 14 - 9/14/03 - IP#:
Reply from Jamie, Age 16 - 5/10/03 - IP#:
Reply from Tony, Age 9 - 6/4/02 - IP#:
Reply from Joseoh, Age 17 - 10/30/01 - IP#:
Reply from kayla, Age 12 - 8/16/01 - IP#:
Reply from Jason, Age 14 - 6/27/01 - IP#:
Reply from Chris, Age 12 - 6/28/01 - IP#:
Reply from Ben, Age 12 - 6/28/01 - IP#:
Reply from Jonathan, Age 15 - 6/22/01 - IP#:
Reply from Brad & his mom, Age 10 - 5/31/01 - IP#:
Reply from Pete, Age 16 - 5/25/01 - IP#:
Reply from david, Age 11 - 5/23/01 - IP#:
Reply from stephone, Age 9 - 5/18/01 - IP#:
Reply from Jack, Age 13 - 5/9/01 - IP#:
From nicole, Age 13 - 5/5/01 - IP#: Click here to reply hi my name is nicole i wear dipers 24/7 as i do not have control of my blader it started when i was 10 i wet the bed and then during breakfast i wet my pants my parents were really nice though and my mum said i did not have to go to school if i did not want to and she also said that she would go and get me some dipers by the time she got back i had wet myself again she took me up stairs and showed me how to put them on it is really embarasing to wet or poo myself at school but i keep some spare dipers in my bag and most of my friends know and dont care about my problem please reply as i would like to talk to someone about it i dont have an email address but am hoping to get one soon.
Reply from Kyle, Age 15 - 5/12/01 - IP#:
Reply from Ike, Age 14 - 5/5/01 - IP#:
From anji, Age 15 - 5/4/01 - IP#: Click here to reply I'm 15 and have been wetting the bed regularly since i was 12. Soon after I started my mom started forcing me to wear diapers at night. We fought over it constantly for over a year. I still hate wearing diapers but I now realize that I need to use them or I'll ruin my matress. I started dealing with it better when i was able to decide when I needed them, put them on myself, etc. I can't imagine having to get put in diapers by my mom at my age. I think that makes things worse and is just mean. I'm glad this sight is here so I can meet others like me. Good luck and try to stay positive about it. I am.
From andrew, Age 13 - 5/2/01 - IP#: Click here to reply I don't know how to tell my parents i have wet my bed the past five days any ideas and how do u think i can stop it
Reply from jack, Age 13 - 7/2/01 - IP#:
From lee, Age 13 - 5/2/01 - IP#: Click here to reply Hi My name is lee i wet my nappies all of the time i am sick of it i have tried huggies newborns because i am so small and pampers size mon makes me ly on the floor and use a dummy and a high chair and i am am age 13 and i dont have a girlfriend because everyone knows about my tiny defect i have nappies which have pictures wich light up when i wet myshelf they from america PLEASE REPLAY
Reply from john, Age 9 - 1/9/04 - IP#:
Reply from Alex, Age 13 - 11/18/03 - IP#:
Reply from Tony, Age 13 - 5/21/01 - IP#:
Reply from eric, Age 14 - 5/2/01 - IP#:
Reply from shane, Age 16 - 5/2/01 - IP#:
From Kelly, Age 13 - 4/30/01 - IP#: Click here to reply Hi, Just wanted to say that on your site you should put a place where you can make you own web sites so other people can hear what you have to sayy and you don't have to pay for it.Another thing is that the way you displayed your website is good because it caught my eye atomaticaly.So keep up the good workC-yaKelly