Chat Room Instructions
- This chat room requires that
be allowed on you computer. If your name and icon are not stored, then click on COOKIES above for information on setting Cookies on your computer.
- Programs that block pop-up windows may cause this chat room to not work. Active scripting and Java must both be allowed on your computer.
- If you want to change your name or icon after you are in the chat room, click on "SETTINGS". Scroll left or right on the pictures, click on the one you want. Then click "SAVE".
That will be only a temporary save, however. To store your name and icon click on STORAGE AREA.
- Type your message in the lower box and then click "SEND".
- To create your own room, click the rooms tab and then click "New". You and other users may then enter the new room.
- To see the users in all of the rooms, check the "Show users in all rooms" box.
- To block messages from an offensive user, single click on the user's name, then click on the "no ear" icon above the list of users.