Reply from Sharon, Child's Age 9 - 1/7/03 - IP#:

Betty;Unfortunately I have the opposite problem.My son needs them but won't wear them.There are 2 approaches you can use.First,If he persist in wanting to wear diapers tell him fine.If he is going to then he will have to do all the other things associated with diapers.He must wear diapers and plastic pants 24/7.he must poop and pee in them.He will have no use of the bathroom.Make him try them for a week,make him poop in them out in a mall and walk around for an hour in dirty diaper.Let him sit around for longer periods of time in wet and dirty diapers.He will have to wear them in public and in front of his friends.He will be changed in front of people and his friends.He will wear them to school.He will go back to a crib,playpen,high chair,eat baby food and wear nothing but baby clothes.At the end of a week if he still wants to then he must wear them for year,no exceptions.If he decided he doesn't then never ask again.I have talked with many parents who have had the same problem and they say it has worked.The second approach is to tell him absolutely no way and never ask again.I hope this helps and let me know what happens.