Reply from Tom reply to Beth, Child's Age 10/15/19 - 1/12/03 - IP#:

dear Beth, what you have describe only bears out what I have said all along about the over use of nappies ( no insinuations intended) however it is nice that you have played down this scenario and have given this a calm approach you are one in a million some parents would have gone haywire it is a shock to the system when you discover that your son has this fetish you said you dont quite understand it although you read about it well it can be the over use of nappies and plastic pants they feel secure in them and subconciously want that security back which when they are out of such aparel they lack! there is another school of thought that it could stem way back into the womb and be a neurological gene missing well thats all I am going to say on the subject!best wishes to you and I sincerely hope your son does stop but the chances are he will have this off and on all his life! best wishes , Tom childrens ages 10& 15& 19