Reply from adam, Child's Age i'm 25 - 6/7/03 - IP#:   parbb-c1361

Jack, I also dealt with occasional wetting that came and went throughout my teen years, and I can imagine how difficult this must be for you and your son. I remember when I was 16 I would have been mortified if my parents found out about my wetting, and so I went to great lengths to hide it from them. This had nothing to do with them being bad parents or not supporting me enough; they were very supportive and non-judgemental about it when I was younger. It was just a case of me being sixteen, wanting to be mature and independent, and thus not wanting to talk to anyone about something that most five-year-olds had outgrown. My parents never found out about my sporadic wetting episodes as a teen (or at least if they did they never said anything to me), but honestly I can't really think of any way they could have approached me about it without my acting very much as your son has; that's just the phase of life I was in at the time, I think. If you want my advice, I'd suggest just waiting it out for a few weeks to give it a chance to subside a little on its own; after that, maybe you could make a deal with him to agree to talk to you about it only if the wetting continues beyond x longer amount of time. I would be open to talking more about this with you if you want (or with your son, if he is open to it!) -- I know something of how frustrating it is to be an active teenager and wet the bed, and all I can say for now is hang in there, I went through it and have turned out ok, more or less. :) Take care! -- Adam