Reply from Tom, Child's Age N/A - 12/31/02 - IP#:

You may have more than one issue to deal with. On the one hand you say your son had a bad experience at age 4, and on the other hand you say he wore cloth diapers and plastic pants until age 3 and never really got the hang of potty training, and has daytime wetting accidents all the time. In addition to any emotional problems resulting from the bad experience at age 4, he may have a small bladder or some other problem that causes poor bladder control. I would suggest a check up by a urologist to rule out any physical problem before tackling the emotional one. His refusal to wear diapers is probably a result of being humiliated by being forced to wear diapers and wet them. He probably now associates wearing diapers with humiliation and his refusal to wear them is an attempt to maintain some dignity and self-respect. You might try explaining to him that what happened 5 years ago was wrong, and that diapers are used by lots of kids his age that need them, but chances are he may need professional counseling to to get over it. I would agree with Stan that one approach might be to try a product like Goodnights that doesn't really look like a diaper, and present it as just underwear that helps keep the bed dry.