Reply from Tom, Child's Age N/A (I'm 60) - 12/31/02 - IP#:

Hey guys, Sorry if I got involved in any personal family stuff, that wasn't intentional - I just assumed you knew of each other's posts. It sounds like the three of you could use some discussion, and if I broke the ice just a little, then maybe you could talk to each another in person instead of in a public place like this. Mark, by now you've probably seen the post I sent to Will in response to him asking about less expensive diapers. If you read back through old posts here you'll find that most parents dealing with long term bedwetting eventually switch to cloth diapers and plastic pants. They can be expensive to buy initially but are far less expensive in the long term. That could help with Brad's problem as well. If he runs out, just run the used ones through the washer and presto - you've got a fresh supply. It's worth looking into.