...if you yourselves will take to respond to the questions and inquiries that are posted. Please, please...and please do so and stick with it for awhile and hopefully the board will attract other MOTHERS, MUMS GRANDMOMS, SISTERS, AUNTIES...but mostly MOMS who need help from others like themselves who have had similarities, experiences,or just plain TALK AND ADVICE for them or the parents. This is not meant to discourage or turn away the Daddies who are in need of help or have experiences to relate as well. Nevertheless, Mothers and the like have 95% of the experiences and nearly all of the caregiving and it would be refreshing to have their input within these posts, one might even say "urgent". Moms have such an inate sense towards the care and discipline that noone can replace...Some may know who is writing this posting and that is OK. The issue has been lately in the forefront of my mind and I had even written within a response something that was remotely connected, but I trashed it since it was not particulary relevent to the thread of the post.....I remain hopeful that YOU(not I) will step forward, as it was in the past, so that the the Moms and Mums can help with not only the questions, but the answers usually so desperately needed from those persons who are the closest to them. My regards to you all, and MOMS let us hear from you, please.... from whom you may know