Reply from Mr John(Papa), Child's Age xx - 7/7/03 - IP#:   parbb-c1449

Annie Dear: To answer your question directly, whatever you do on the nights of Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat and Sunday at home need not be any different while you are traveling or at a Motel/Hotel. Telling these establishments of the circumstances is of course the proper thing to do and we assume they will accomodate. At the same time, I must say that it would be out-of-order to not be prepared for any evenuality, which I have learned over the years(call this wisdom)not to place too much dependence on someone who greets you and you think everything is in apple pie order. Therefore, however you dress or attire the children should be consistent and a backup to bed protection also be carried with your luggage. It really is no problem or inconvenience to pack a waterproof sheet(or two if that's the case). Bed pads might be too bulky to carry, if you use them at home, but even rubber sheets fold up nicely and also can be used for other purposes while traveling.......In any case, you inadvertantly bring up another issue which has been spawned previously and could be one which calls forth diverse opinions. Maybe not this time though, but the situation exists and you, as Mom and perhaps Dad, need to make a judgement call. If your child or children are likely to fall asleep while moving along in the car, and at that is his/her inclination to wet or soil, you will have to consider providing necessary protection for the seats and clothing and to tide you over until you make a stop..... Given the situation you asked about, Annie, I know what I would do with these circumstances, but my vote doesn't count. Wish you a great vacation and if you need something else, send a post. We'll try to j