Reply from Lori, Child's Age 9 - 7/10/03 - IP#:   parbb_26-c1459

We had this problem with my daughter who is 7. My husband and I “threatened” her with diapers. We said she had two weeks to learn how to go to the toilet whenever she had to go potty and if she didn’t do it by then we were going to take all the panties away and she was going to be put in a diaper until we thought she was ready to have her panties back. Two days before we were going to take away her panties she still hadn’t tried it and she was still having many “accidents”. I reminded her that the two weeks was almost up and that I was going to the store that afternoon and I was going to buy her the diapers and the diapering supplies when I was helping her change her clothes. That afternoon I bought her a package of Luvs diapers and I set them on her dresser reminding her of what was to come. The day came when she had to be dry and she just wet her panties as if it didn’t matter to her and when it came time to change her I just put her in the diapers. I explained to her that up until then it didn’t seem to matter to her if she had peed or pooped in her pants, therefore it shouldn’t matter now. I told her that her dad or I would change her diapers for her and she was to tell us I if she was wet and/or dirty. I said that I was going to carry clean diapers and wipes in my purse and if she had a dirty diaper in public we would go to the bathroom and get her changed. We would often ask her “Kelley, do you need to have you diaper changed?” loudly in public, sometimes pulling back her pants and the diaper to see if she needed to be changed. She was in diapers for about 3 months and since then she has not had another accident. I really think that worked well and I recommend that you try it.