Continued from stephanie, Child's Age 0 - 9/13/03 - parbb-c1576

If someone is talking about their kids or someone I feel uncomfortable like everyone knows about me. I had no idea how complicated the psychology associated with childhood bedwetting is. I have been reading what seems to be a collection of actual true stories and fantasy life. There appear to two problems here the 1st is my common childhood bedwetting enuresis by definition involuntary urination. The other deliberate wetting to be able to ware diapers (About a 1/3 to ½ admitted to this in the surveys) a behavior problem. My mother tried a lot of different ways to deal with my problem including humiliation and punishment even spanking which seemed to make things worse. There is nothing more frustrating than being spanked for something you have no control over my mother and I are not close today for a lot of reasons. In the summer I was 14 I went to live with my dad full time and I was in a supportive loving environment 24/7. My dad was supportive and understanding even though there was no bedwetting history in his family. The problem effects about 1 out of 3 of children in my mother’s family and no one is understanding. About a little more than a year after living with my dad my little problem had disappeared. I never had wet deliberately always in my sleep. My bedwetting was not a behavior problem. When I read stories about 15 year old wetting on purpose even sitting around in a diaper in the evening and wetting instead going to the bathroom. Except here I have never heard of a 13 or 14 year who has been dry for a number years going back to full time wetting. You have a behavior problem and you should deal with it accordingly. For my behavior problems. (Things like breaking curfew skipping school and forging a note or going to the party instead of the movie like I said I was going to do) the normal thing kids try to get away with. My dad had a stick about 20 inches long size and shape to really get your attention. I know I always changed my behavior after the stick connected with my bottom a few times.:Stephanie :)