Reply from adam, Child's Age n/a - 10/3/03 - IP#:   parbb-c1593

Stephanie, Thanks so much for sharing your experiences here. I hope that parents who take the time to read them will take them to heart and realize just how traumatic wetting problems are for their children, even without any added pressure or shame coming from their parents! I am not yet a parent but I do a lot of work with youth, including a few who are bedwetters, and I also wet the bed for basically my whole childhood and had several traumatic experiences stemming from it, from which there are scars lasting to this day (although, thankfully, I was never forced to wear diapers because of my problem!). Thanks again for sharing your experiences here. I would love to talk more with you (or any other interested party) about these matters if you are interested; you can write me at Thanks -- Adam :)