Reply from Lenny, Child's Age 2,4,22,33 - 11/12/03 - IP#:   parbb-c1630

I believe the answer lies in the word Confront. Most boys are already embarrassed by just wetting the bed, and really don't want to discuss it with others, especially with anyone who may confront them about it. Perhaps you can set the stage for a more relaxed atmosphere, and promise your son that he won't be punished for his accidents. Keep all discussions about this private (i.e., away from friends and other family members). Remind him that you are there to help him, and don't try to pry anything out of him concerning this if he still doesn't want to talk. Also, tell him that you have a right to protect your furniture and bedding, and that you may need to do so if the accidents continue. Try to involve him in a discussion, not in an argument, and let him tell you what he prefers you use on his bed. I wouldn't ask him about personal protection at this point, but just watch how he reacts to this intrusion into his private life. Remember, he is already quite upset by the sleepwetting and your prior conversations with him, so he likely does consider anything you say or do right now as an intrusion. I feel your current task is turning his perspective from an intrusion into something more positive.