Reply from Tom.UK, Child's Age 10/16/20 - 11/29/03 - IP#:   parbb-c1649

Dear Rob, I have a 16 yr old son and has shot up from being a 4ft6" boy to a lad of 6Ft1" as suggested by one person I would exclude the possibility of ADHD as Your son in my opinion is only trying to exhibit his sense of indidviduality by all means correct him when he swears at you tell him dont you swear at me I dont swear at you so i would respectfully ask you dont swear Thank you!as regards his pooing and wetting it could be caused by a number of things 1. a sudden spurt of growth 2. something is troubling him in school/ college infection 4.Laziness you say when you suggest that he wear protection he starts crying well that is because you are saying to him In his eyes You are a baby you have to be treated like one approach it with TLC ask him what he thinks he should do about the situation tell him doe he want to go around smelling and have people make fun of him give him the choices !he is a yong person who is learning to make decitions for himself help him by not telling him what to do but by carefully guiding him towards what you feel would be best but dont tell him its what you want ! give him the options smelling or washing his own under wear or wearing protection ! .if he decides to smell say ok its Your choice you have made that decition i know what i would have chosen and that would have been wearing protection (dont use the word Diapers or nappies if you are english)and also dont make it sound as if you are bitter or angry about his desition!by saying protection you are not insinuating he is a baby !it is an adult phraise ! dont force, Encourage!hope this is of help, best wishes, Tom