Reply from Tom.Uk, Child's Age 20/16/10 - 12/5/03 - IP#:   parbb-c1659

Dear Kara, What Tom has said is a very sensible answer!I would endorse his suggestion as it seems that your daughter has not had problems before and you have had her checked out ! it could be that she has a growth spurt and that is a big possibility! dont force her into anything if you are oing to put her in a nappy at night thenI suggest tact as she is 11 yrs of age point out to her the pro's and cons of wearing Protection dont say diaper or nappy as that instills in the child that she is a baby ! however it depends what she is comfortable with waking her up to go to the loo when you retire ? or ddvap ?or a Bedwetting alarm placing a plastic sheet on the bed is of course a must to protect the bed!dont force her into diapers yes you are the parent but the child has a right as well give her the decition by you showing her the pro's in to what ever you feel that is right but let her feel she is making the decition ! best wishes and good luck please let us know how you got on!