Reply from Bob, Child's Age 15,16 - 2/9/04 - IP#:   parbb-c1757

This is so great that Cindy has posted her success story. Almost no parents here seem to persist with either wetness alarms or simply training their child to wake up to a standard alarm clock (set to go off a half hour before they typically wet). Sure it takes effort, and parental help to begin with, until the child is able to wake up on their own. It is the terrible groggy feeling of pulling themselves out of a deep sleep that they learn to overcome. And they also learn to go right back to sleep after using the toilet. A child's self esteem at becoming dry makes it all worth it, as Cindy's story confirms! If the child is too sleepy during school, etc., then do the alarm training mainly on weekends or during vacation, at least to start with. Postive reinforcement for waking to the alarm (praise and money rewards) and taking some away for not waking definitely helps. Congratulations to Cindy on her persistence!