Reply from Tom, Child's Age N/A - 3/24/04 - IP#:   parbb-c1861

Steph, your message was intended for the other Tom (Tom UK), but I believe you are paying far too much attention to the notion that males are all lecherous old men with nothing better to do than ogle every young girl that walks by, and check out her posterior to see if there is any thick padding there. The possibility of being looked at is not the real problem, the fact that both girls will probably wet themselves if they sleep during the flight is. There are only two solutions to that problem; either stay awake for the entire flight or wear protection. Since it’s not likely that they will stay awake, protection would be the best choice. If you think wearing a pull-up might be noticed, walking down the aisle with a wet butt would be downright humiliating. A diaper or pull-up can be easily concealed under loose fitting pants, like a nylon windsuit, and won’t be noticed at all. And there is no real reason to be suspicious of a 14 year old that starts wetting the bed after being dry for several years; it’s not unusual for that to happen during puberty (which her doctor has already suggested is the probable cause).