Reply from Tom .Uk, Child's Age 21/16/10 - 7/2/04 - IP#:   parbb-c1929

well first of all have him checked out by his doctor 2ndly sit could be the fear of him going to what we call infants school in britain but what you call kindergarden one of the same thing i think ! age 5-7 yr old in britain well secondly it could be the fear or aprehension of him going to a full time school school can be a daunting experience especially for a 5 yr old! 3rd ly i am not a proponant of putting a child back into training pants but if he is being taunted by the kids and it does not seem to be effecting him although i suspect it is i suggest you calmly explain the reason why you are putting training pants on him and tell him that it will help him the other kids wont make fun of him but iwould have him checked out first! finally though full time schools dont normally have children who have incontinence pants on as they need to be changed and that creates more of a problem for the teacher and thus the nessesity for a teachers aid to change him Discreetly!. hope this is of help to you but i should not worry too much as he is still young and really its not a time to get to worriedabout the situation! hope this is of spome help to you! best wishes and good luck. Tom.Uk