The interactive areas of the site have been disabled. When Wetbusters was created in 1999, its mission was to help kids to stop wetting the bed. Wetbusters instead has become a forum for kids and adults who wear diapers. Nearly all of the kids who use the site seem to wear diapers, and parents who use the site talk primarily about diapers in regard to their kids who wet. This is in spite of the fact that 85% of pediatricians recommend AGAINST using diapers for bedwetting, believing that diapers "give the wrong message, that it is okay to wet at night and not get up and use the toilet, which tends to prolong wetting." (Seminar on Bedwetting, American Academy of Pediatrics, 2003). Kids and parents who have used Wetbusters (approximately 60,000 users per month) have shown little interest in alarms, medications, wake up training, or bladder exercises for dealing with bedwetting... their interest is almost entirely about diapers. The bulletin board postings are nearly all about diapers, and the conversations in the chat rooms are typically "Do you (or your child) wear diapers? What kind?" Kids who are interested in alarms, for example, have been driven out of the chat rooms and have not been supported on the bulletin boards. There is also an enormous and very aggressive "diaper lover" (DL) and "teen baby" (TB) community (try searching on those terms with the Google search engine). It has been claimed that DL's and TB's have taken over It has been claimed also that these DL's and TB's are adults posing as kids. But if one assumes that they are adults, at what age did the diaper attraction start? It is impossible to keep the diaper lovers out. It is, however, not not just the diaper lovers who render the site impossible to run, but the fact that "true" bedwetters also appear to embrace diapers. It is difficult to discern the true bedwetters from the diaper lovers. In order to be "cured" of bedwetting a child must awaken at night, either by an alarm or by the sensation of a full bladder. The child then gets up and uses the toilet. Over time the child learns to hold his/her urine at night and either sleeps through the night or gets up and use the toilet, i.e. is "cured". But a poll on our site revealed that most kids would rather sleep and wet in a diaper, than get up at night and use the toilet. And parents support this use of diapers, stating that is "abuse" to wake their kids in the night. The prevailing attitude is "Just use diapers until he/she 'grows' out of it." Wetbusters was not created simply to support kids in diapers. Wetbusters does not have the resources to moderate every message and reply on the bulletin boards and filter out the diaper lover posts, which are difficult to distinguish from the true bedwetter posts, as nearly all posts have to do with diapers. We have tried to automatically block diaper words on the bulletin boards and in the chat rooms, but diaper users quickly find ways around the blocks. Even if Wetbusters did have the resources to fully moderate the boards and chat rooms, providing simply a forum for diaper users was never the site's purpose. Such a diaper forum may even perpetuate diaper use and may foster TB's and DL's. As nearly all of the kids
and adults who use the site are interested only in diapers, they do not need a site such as
Wetbusters. We are sorry for those with true incontinence who
benefit from the forums, but incontinence was not the mission of
Wetbusters. Note
the term "busters" in the name - to stop wetting. Wetbusters management Send comments to:
Comments submitted: Hi, I'm Sam, and I, and many others depended on your chat-room to solve our problems with bedwetting. I'm not here to complain. I just think that the reason for shutting it down was questionable. Diapers are a major part of bedwetting, and sometimes it is even important to talk about them. We don't discuss brand names or things like that, but to ban the word "wear" is a little ridiculous to me. Some of these children that use your chat-room depend on the others there to help them, it's a place to come if their parents are being abusive or if they come home from school after being teased, the room gives them hope and makes them happier about themselves. I was wondering why the Big Kids Express Chat and the message boards good for you! diapers are definatly the wrong way to go on bedwetting, especially for older's demorilising and embarrising to wear diapers at night. what you should do is get a special plastic sheet, drink less in the evening and go to the toilet before you go to bed and if you get the slightest feeling of you needing the toilet just go. I am 13 and had been bedwetting for ages in the predecesing years and i just did what my guidence is and then stopped when i was 11! (few!) it was difficult but having diapers would just make the problem carry on and more difficult to stop waking up with wet sheets pushes you to stop and there you go! Simon,
age 13 i agree with you on that statment,, and i am upseat on the fact you have shut that part down, like i say to my friends,, one or two kids will spoil it for the rest, the rest will try to seak revenge. i did this with my web site, it was hard but it worked.. disble the chat room and then re able it with out notice or a i back notice,, TK,
age 15 I would like to know what happened to the adult chat room? I enjoyed the chats that I had with other bedwetters. Will it be back soon? (I hope) Art,
adult bedwetter hello Chris,
Age - teen I am disappointed in your decision to close the adult chat room. I agree that their are people who don't belong there, but as a life-long bedwetter, I have tried and failed to stop bedwetting with meds and alarms. My doctor has left it up to me on how to manage this problem, and I chose to use diapers and plastic pants. I have met some great people in this chat room, so please reconsider your decision. -Adult
bedwetter Dear sir I am a frequent vistor to your website parents forumand also have gone on to the childrens site!.As a parent of 3 children and also A bed wetter myself as a child up until aged 17 I feel that it is important that children and parents need reasurance as bedwetting is a ntural phenomenon and that eventually it will fizzle out unless there is something physically wrongI totally agree with your asumptions to close the Chat forums as from my experience on the forums and chat rooms Dealing with parents views .1. They seem all too ready just to stick a nappy on their child because it is more convenient and that the parents dont have to wake up in the middle of the night to change sheets my eldest boy was 14 when he stopped wetting the bed we for 14 yrs after checking with our gp and trying alarms and meds came to the conclusion that it was not working so we weould wake him up in the middle of the night changing his sheet bif nesseccary and then going back to bed eventually he got the idea or his body got the idea that he should wake up in the night and go to the Toilet!. all too often parents take the easy way out!.. and it frustraits me as a parent that they should do this I only come on for Moral supportas I know that bedwetting can be demoralising and children can get low self esteem through it and that i am only trying to pass on my thoughts to help them bolster ther self esteem!. as I have gone through this my self and with my family but do agree with your decition! thank you for yourendeavers in having this forum facility without it those children who do have a genuine problem would be lost . i thout tha whole point of this site was ta help kids?? i dont care about tha MB cause lotsa those posts were from wierdos but i made frends in tha chats with probs like i got.. tha preverts all went somwhere else but i guees ill never talk to my frends agan.. so instead of havein somebody watch tha chatrooms or kick out tha losers u had ta ruin a good thing for kids that needed ur help.. i hope ur happy now.. Anthony
- teen I am a bit disappointed in your site for stopping adults and children from talking about problems with their bedwetting. I've tried numerous ways to combat my bedwetting but unfortunatly it seems that due to my autism I am so constantly worked up over a variety of things that I just can't manage to stay dry, I've tried various medications, I keep asking the doctor about alarms but am just getting told that they wouldn't work. If you think that by closing this site down though you are stopping the promotion of nappy/diaper use in kids and adults with bedwetting problems unfortunatly this is causing totally the opposite as the alternative to your site is the DryNites and GoodNites sites, both run by Kimberley Clark (who make diapers), so the last thing they want is to discourage kids from using diapers (I even remember once I wrote to them to inform them that they're GoodNites which are pull up style were big enough to be worn by adults and they sent me a load of advertising rubbish about the Tena range that are even more like diapers (as they have tapers and don't go on like normal underwear) than