Each month we have a question about bedwetting.  You will see this month's results as soon as you vote.  Past months' results are below.  Please vote only once each month.  Thanks a lot. 

This Month's Question:

How do your parents treat you when you wet the bed? (pick one)

They are supportive and understanding.

They punish me (spank me or restrict my privileges, etc.)

They shame me or embarrass me.

     Your age        Your sex: female  male


Poll#17 Results (Professional Help?)
Poll#15 Results (Bothers You Most) Poll#16 Results (Bedwetting Cause)
Poll#13 Results (Daytime Wetting) Poll#14 Results (How to Wake Up)
Poll#11 Results (No More Secret) Poll#12 Results (Bedwetting worse)
Poll#10 Results (Internet Safe) Poll#9 Results (Teasing)
Poll#8 Results (Tell Who) Poll#7 Results (Parents and Wetting)
Poll#6 Results (Doctors) Poll#5 Results (Diapers)
Poll#4 Results (Dry Night) Poll#3 Results (Can't Wake Up)
Poll#2 Results (Cola Drinks) Poll#1 Results (Bathroom Dream)

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