(For Adult Bedwetters)
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From Eric, Age 29 - 5/8/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
Hey Tyler, I read your reply. Im from Bardstown, Kentucky. You can email me at LL&P, Eric

From Eric, Age 29 - 5/8/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
Thank you all here at WetBuster for being there when I need advice, or just want to talk. You mean a lot to me LL&P and God Bless, Eric

From JASON, Age 30 - 5/7/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
HI THERE ALL i am jason i am 30 years old and i am single i am from the uk in england ive been a lifelongbed wetter all my life i wear a nappy to bed iam relly feeling down about my bed wetting as its stoping me meeting/dateing a female ive been to see many doctors over the years been on and off pill,s but still no luck in becomeing dry of a night i would love to hear from others females/ males in the uk or anywhere e mail me@J.DIBLE@TALK21.COMALL THE VERY BEST JASON

From Eric, Age 29 - 5/6/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
HELP!!!!!!!!!!I have a bladder infection (1st time)and I need advice NOW!!!!!!!! In Considerable Distress!! Eric
Reply from adam, Age 25 - 5/8/03 - IP#:

From Michael, Age 34 - 5/4/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
I'm in Calgary Alberta and I wet the bed. STILL. I use cloth diapers and plastic or rubber pants at night, and disposables during the day because I wet my pants. If I get too excited, or too tired, I just start having accidents in my pants. Anyone in Calgary, Alberta? Email me at or post here. Why does a 34 year old still wet himself? Can't figure it out.
Reply from Eric, Age 29 - 5/7/03 - IP#:
Reply from Eric, Age 29 - 5/5/03 - IP#:

From Gary, Age 37 - 5/1/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
hi im a lifelong bedwetter and now i need to wear diapers during the day also. the trouble I am having is that icant find a woman who is understanding about my need for diapers
Reply from Eric, Age 29 - 5/7/03 - IP#:
Reply from Craig, Age 30 - 5/5/03 - IP#:

From Eric, Age 29 - 5/1/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
Greetings, friends Does anyon know of any link between nystagmus and bedwetting? If so, email me at . Many thanx and God Bless!

From Eric, Age 29 - 4/28/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
I just bought son store-brand night pants Are thos any good? RSVP ASAP. LL&P and God bless!
Reply from Tim, Age 60 - 4/29/03 - IP#:

From Eric , Age 29 - 4/28/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
Greetings and felicitations, friends!I now have e-mail! To e-mail me, put in God Bless And LL&P!!!

From Eric , Age 29 - 4/25/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
Hi! Eric here, any Kentucky folks here?
Reply from mark, Age 28 - 5/29/03 - IP#:
Reply from Tyler, Age 12 - 5/5/03 - IP#:
Reply from al, Age 37 - 4/28/03 - IP#:
Reply from Mark, Age 30 - 4/26/03 - IP#:

From adam, Age 25 - 4/25/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
To Chris, 23, and all others with whom I have talked in the chat room in the last few days: Sorry to disappear on you so abruptly; I hope to get my computer fixed but have been having problems with my internet connection lately. If you want to talk more, feel free to e-mail me at I will also continue to be in the chat room occasionally as my computer's functioning allows. Later!
Reply from Eric, Age 29 - 4/28/03 - IP#:
Reply from Eric, Age 29 - 4/26/03 - IP#:

From Eric, Age 29 - 4/24/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
Hi Mark! Got your message. I don't have my own computer.I use one at the library and don't know how to email. LL&P-Eric
Reply from Michael, Age 34 - 5/3/03 - IP#:

From Eric, Age 29 - 4/24/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
Greetings from Bardstown,Kentucky. Yesterday was pretty rough. Tried to hold it on the way home from work,but lost it right at my front door! anyone who has had a similar experience please respond. ll&p,Eric
Reply from andrew, Age 28 - 7/14/03 - IP#:
Reply from Mark, Age 30 - 4/26/03 - IP#:

From astal, Age 20 - 4/16/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
hi well i have had this forever, it would stop for a bit but come back, ive gone to the doctors so many times the just sent me to a specialist doctor but i have learned a lot though, well what ive learned is that your parents could be part of the reason, my dad has it and it was a 50% chance of getting it, lucky me i did,so i have decided to not have kids cause the will end up 50% worse and i dont want that so im going to adopt a kid, well theres a lot of stuff i cant have chocolate and caffine and carbaonted water, milk, apples,um i think thats it and that helps with not having problems, how about anyone else,and theres a sleep disorder and you could have dieabites(however you spell it sorry) i havent told anyone about this expect my mom about my problem, no friends or nothing, they know i have kidney problems thats it though, im not afired really, its just hard ya know but i think i can deal with this though, if i dont get 6 infections in 1 yr again will they ever really cure it and for a cheap price lol any girls about same age with the same things please write, i dont know anyone else with this problem thanks ive been looking for a chat room for ever :)
Reply from james, Age 41 - 4/18/04 - IP#:
Reply from Eric, Age 29 - 4/28/03 - IP#:
Reply from Eric, Age 29 - 4/24/03 - IP#:
Reply from Eric, Age 29 - 4/22/03 - IP#:

From Eric, Age 29 - 4/15/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
Hi! My name is Eric and I have wet the bed off and on all my life. My wetting has increased markedly in the past week and a half after I drank two SoBe energy drinks at work. I travel by bicycle and require HUGE amounts of energy(usually provided by equally huge amounts of caffeine). I swill Moutain Dew like a fish durin work and before a long ride. Ihave a small bladder also. Could all that caffeine be tearing me up? Anyone in a similar situation please respond ASAP. God bless you all!
Reply from jaben, Age 29 - 10/13/03 - IP#:
Reply from Ian, Age 45 - 7/2/03 - IP#:
Reply from Pete, Age 39 - 5/7/03 - IP#:
Reply from astal, Age 20 - 4/23/03 - IP#:
Reply from Mark, Age 30 - 4/23/03 - IP#:
Reply from astal, Age 20 - 4/17/03 - IP#:

From boyd, Age 43 - 4/15/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
to every body who has the same problem as i do dont let it bother you as i live in canada and its a terrible to go through life with all your freinds teassing you like i do but i just brush it off so stay tough
Reply from Eric, Age 29 - 4/24/03 - IP#:

From joe, Age 21 - 4/13/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
anyone from utah or lives in utah?
Reply from Russ, Age 44 - 4/15/03 - IP#:

From Honey, Age 19 - 4/13/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
Hello I have wet the bed since I can remember, i have taken the nasal spray, the alarm and the anti-depressent pills. Since investigating my problem more it seems that most people believe that it is (when only wetting at night) a sleep problem so I was wondering if any one has tried hypnosis? I might be mad but it seems to make sense that if the brain is not connecting with the body or that there is an emotional problem then a hypnotist could perhaps tap into the subconcious and put a few ideas in?! If no one has I will just report back once I have got enough money toghether to try it!
Reply from john, Age 20 - 4/15/03 - IP#:

From Bruce, Age 48 - 4/7/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
Hi all, This is my first post here as I just found this site. I have been a bedwetter most of my life , I wet up untill age 16 then stopped for some unknown reason.I use to have a few accidents every now and then which I could deal with,since I was 34yo I started to wet everynite and have come to accept it and wear diapers to bed.Then when I was about 42yo i started to have some day time accidents as well.No problem I will just start wearing diapers in the day also,which took care of the problem,but where the problem lies is how to the someone that you wear with out them running.It dose get lonely when you are by yourself.Don't get me wrong as I have accepted the fact that I must wear diapers the rest of my life which is OK- just would like to have someone in my life also.Ahybody have any sugestion as to where to meet a signifecant other that either accept or has to wear also? Any help would be very helpful. Thanks
Reply from Doug, Age 53 - 4/9/03 - IP#:

From pam, Age 32 - 4/2/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
i started weting the bed two mouth ago i didnot wet the bed we iwas kid why now isay atafriend home shegiong on a trip in may iwet the bed 3,4 inweek and diapers donot fix good iam dig people and they leak to please help me
Reply from chase, Age 31 - 9/4/03 - IP#:
Reply from mike , Age 20 - 5/30/03 - IP#:
Reply from Trevor Aiken, Age 35 - 5/11/03 - IP#:
Reply from CHRIS, Age 30 - 3/8/03 - IP#:
Reply from Eric, Age 28 - 4/26/03 - IP#:
Reply from Helen, Age 29 - 4/11/03 - IP#:

From Rob, Age 24 - 4/1/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
I have recently started to wet the bed again and I am looking for males of a similar age who can give me advice on products as I currently wear huggies dry nites but they dont seem to be doing the job properly. It would be even better if we could meet and swap ideas.
Reply from Bryan, Age 25 - 7/18/03 - IP#:
Reply from Dave, Age 25 - 4/6/03 - IP#:
Reply from mike, Age 30 - 4/4/03 - IP#:
Reply from Andy, Age 34 - 4/3/03 - IP#:
Reply from Jeffrey, Age 56 - 4/3/03 - IP#:
Reply from Doug, Age 53 - 4/3/03 - IP#:
Reply from Mark, Age 30 - 4/2/03 - IP#:

From Dave, Age 42 - 3/30/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
Hi, this is my first post. I also wear diapers to bed like many folks who have posted here. I have accepted how I am. It's no big deal to me. Life is too short to fret over it. The hard thing is breaking the news to a potential girl friend. I live in North Carolina and would like to e-mail or chat with gals who also wear diapers to bed. It would be nice to not have to worry about explaining such a personal thing to a potential girl friend.Any advice on how or where to meet available women in NC who are like us? It would be great not to have to worry about explaining the diapers in bed issue. Thanks for any suggestions.

From frank, Age 41 - 3/29/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
i only wet the bed about three to four times a month but do not wear daipers only have plastic sheet on matress. it is imbarrising at times when i bring some one home and they sit on my bed

From adam, Age 25 - 3/28/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
to Tom, age 60: I just wanted to thank you for your e-mailed response to my previous post; I tried a couple of times to respond to your e-mail but the message didn't seem to want to go through. To answer your queries, I have known for most of my life that I have a significantly smaller urinary bladder than most of my peers; whether that was a cause or result of my nightly wetting for 12 years as a kid I can't say for sure. I have used the extra large Goodnites on occasion and they work well for me (I'm tall and thin at the waist), but I don't use them all the time because over time I get more used to wetting in my sleep -- it's just too tempting if I have protection on not to get out of bed and use the toilet even when I'm awake in time. (I wake up on my own to use the toilet the majority of nights, but occasionally sleep through and wet the bed, especially when I'm really tired or stressed.) As for treatment, I'm thinking pretty strongly of trying a combination of bladder exercises and the alarm method over the summer -- several manufacturers recommend using the alarm and drinking lots of water before bed to ensure one or two responses per night as a method of "overlearning" the reflex to wake up. I plan to wait until summer because of my already erratic sleep schedule as a student. Please feel free to write me again if you have any more questions or feedback. Also, any others in similar situations to mine (occasional bedwetting, not sure of the cause, would like to find a way to stop) please feel free to contact me as well: Thanks!

From Jon, Age 33 - 3/26/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
For the past 2 years I've wet the bed anytime I drank alcohol in the evening or took cold medicine before bed. I never had this problem before and the doctor says I'm fine. I am very embarrassed and my wife has asked me to wear diapers anytime it might occur. I feel terribly uncomfortable when she reminds me to diaper or when she brushes up against it in bed or sees me getting in or out of bed.Does anybody have a similiar problem with wetting and if so, how do you deal with it? My wife has been very understanding and says it doesn't bother her as long as the doctor says I'm OK. How do other deal with wearing diapers in front of spouse or SO?
Reply from Craig, Age 30 - 5/5/03 - IP#:

From Starr, Age 33 - 3/24/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
Hi, I'm actually writing about my husband. We've been married for seven months now and he's wet the bed on three occasions. Twice before we were married and just recently. He says he was dreaming. I think it's a problem he's to embarrassed to talk about in depth. Could it be stress or nerves? We are expecting our first child in September. I'm not trying to make excuses for him, but this is becoming a problem that's hard to adjust to when a person denies they have a problem. Please help.
Reply from denis, Age 50 - 9/9/03 - IP#:
Reply from chase, Age 31 - 9/2/03 - IP#:
Reply from KJ, Age 23 - 4/15/03 - IP#:
Reply from Rafael, Age 33 - 3/25/03 - IP#:
Reply from Tom, Age 60 - 3/25/03 - IP#:

From Dan, Age 18 - 3/19/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
I do also wet the bed and need to wear diapers for it.I havent told any of my friends about it and its nice to have someone to talk to about it.Kelly: Write back, Besides this problem I am feeling great
Reply from adam, Age 25 - 3/28/03 - IP#:

From teisha , Age 18 - 3/19/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
hi 18 f lives in wisconsin wodering if there are any other sites where you can meet people who are incontinent.
Reply from mike, Age 20 - 11/19/03 - IP#:
Reply from chase , Age 31 - 9/2/03 - IP#:
Reply from art, Age 18 - 5/13/03 - IP#:
Reply from shawn, Age 18 - 4/3/03 - IP#:
Reply from matt, Age 19 - 3/27/03 - IP#:

From Teresa, Age 29 - 3/19/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
My husband and I have been together for two years. I knew while we were dating that he was a bedwetter and I accepted that fact and the fact that he wore diapers to bed. I am in love with him and I know that he can't help the problem. Then about a year ago I noticed that he was starting to wear the diapers during the day. I didn't say anything, thinking that he left them on in case he took a nap or something, but it bothered me. Then just recently when he was drinking he admitted that he enjoys how diapers feel on him, and wants to wear them during our sexual encounters. I don't know how to feel about this. I love him but this idea weirds me out and strikes me as very dysfunctional. Could it be a symptom of a deeper problem, like past sexual abuse? Should I accept it or insist he get help?
Reply from Craig, Age 30 - 5/5/03 - IP#:
Reply from Vinson, Age 62 - 3/23/03 - IP#:

From Rafael, Age 34 - 3/18/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
Hello,I am 33 years old; as an adult I haven’t wet the bed since I may be was may be 8 or 9 until the end of last years, December of 2002. I wet the bed about 3 times in December of 2002, that is, twice at the beginning of the month (two days a part) and once at the end of the month. Since then, I have been dry, but last night (03-18-03) I woke up about 4 AM, and found that I partially wet my underwear (small amount, enough to wet portion of my underwear but not to leak to the bed). The weird thing, after that (same night) I start dreaming about going to bathroom to urinate. I been to Urologist, but every test came normal, and he only advised me of not drinking tea or caffeine couple of hours before bed time. But I still like tea, and I had about 1 cup of tea right about 1-1/2 hr. before bedtime on the last night when I had the last episode. Anybody with similar case? Appreciate your feedback.
Reply from Ian, Age 45 - 7/2/03 - IP#:
Reply from Ian, Age 45 - 7/2/03 - IP#:
Reply from Eric, Age 29 - 4/10/03 - IP#:
Reply from Mark, Age 30 - 3/20/03 - IP#:

From Richard, Age 48 - 3/14/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
I am 48 years old and still have a bedwetting problem. My problem is caused by disc problems in lower back and neck from an auto accident. I would like to hear from other adult bedwetters. I live in South East Michigan.My email address is
Reply from Doug, Age 53 - 3/16/03 - IP#:

From Dan, Age 18 - 3/13/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
Hi I am from WA. I just want to make new friends, have fun, and E mail people.
Reply from Doug, Age 44 - 3/15/03 - IP#:
Reply from kelly , Age 16 - 3/14/03 - IP#:

From teisha , Age 18 - 3/12/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
HI I live in Racine WI 18 F and looking for guys between the ages of 19-23 who bladder and bowel inco I am not scared of a guy who wear diaprs 24/7 and it does not bother me all!!! I care about is personality and howthey treat girls if ya wana chat email me at
Reply from John, Age 19 - 2/29/04 - IP#:
Reply from chase , Age 31 - 9/22/03 - IP#:
Reply from dave, Age 19 - 6/11/03 - IP#:
Reply from matt, Age 19 - 3/27/03 - IP#:
Reply from Gil , Age 25 - 3/24/03 - IP#:
Reply from david, Age 22 - 3/9/03 - IP#:
Reply from Robert, Age 17 - 3/4/03 - IP#:

From frank taylor, Age 42 -  - IP#:  Click here to reply
hi all i am a bedwetter in sydney and wanted to know if there were any others here in sydney.

From james, Age 47 -  - IP#:  Click here to reply
hello, i,m a chronic bedwetter [diapers at nite]. seeking woman with similiar problem for friendship.
Reply from Amanda, Age 35 - 12/14/03 - IP#:

From T.J, Age 29 -  - IP#:  Click here to reply
HI I was woundering if there anybody from Michigan looking for a support group. Was woundering maybe we can chat sometime and make up a chat room. Looking for protection that is best for wetting Hope to hear from someone soon.
Reply from Michael, Age 24 - 3/25/03 - IP#:
Reply from mike, Age 50 - 3/7/03 - IP#:
Reply from matt, Age 31 - 2/23/03 - IP#:

From Steven, Age 21 -  - IP#:  Click here to reply
hey, im just wondering if there is any one in the calgary, albeta area that is aware of and accepts this kind of lifestyle(i guess that works...)email me, if u are ;)
Reply from aquon, Age 60 - 2/22/03 - IP#:

From matt, Age 30 -  - IP#:  Click here to reply
Any dudes in Michigan wanna talk.....e-mail me

From Mort, Age 60 - 2/18/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
When I wear diapers and plastic pants the plastic pants side down they are not to big and the diapers make a sound when I walk if I can hear them , someone else can hear them to . Any ideas??
Reply from Leroy, Age 47 - 11/2/03 - IP#:
Reply from Ian, Age 45 - 7/2/03 - IP#:
Reply from roger, Age 51 - 2/22/03 - IP#:
Reply from Lenny, Age 55 - 2/19/03 - IP#:

From Stanley, Age 32 - 2/17/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
Hello people, I have a bedwetting problem,and i wear diapers. And I am just sick of it, and my stupid life.At work everyone found out that i wear diapers and that i wet the bed, and they say very unkind things to me. Women won;t date me because of my problems, kids in my neighborhood say things like "look it's the 32 year old bedwetter" when they see me outside my house, and when i'm in my house, or not home, they do terrible things like egg my house, and T.P. it and put firecrackers in my mailbox. I feel that the only way out of this misery is to take my own life, unless any of you can help me.
Reply from Peter, Age 27 - 8/18/03 - IP#:
Reply from Ian, Age 45 - 7/2/03 - IP#:
Reply from Eric, Age 28 - 4/26/03 - IP#:
Reply from Vinson, Age 62 - 2/20/03 - IP#:
Reply from Stanley, Age 32 - 2/18/03 - IP#:
Reply from Russ, Age 44 - 2/18/03 - IP#:

From Chad, Age 28 - 2/16/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
Hi everyone this is my first time posting.My problem i have never had a dry night and i wear diapers everynight my problem is my girlfriend is uncomfortable with me wearing diapers to bed every night how can i make her feel comfortable while she is watching me get ready for bed?
Reply from Simon, Age 38 - 3/1/03 - IP#:

From Wes, Age 21 - 2/16/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
What is wrong with me? Just a few nights ago i wet the bed for the first time in a long time. and now i am having problems with real gassy (liquid) farts that stain my underwear,so now i am wearing diapers again. I was diagnosed with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) when i was 17 but i need to know if there is more to it than that. Anyone else having problems controlling gas?
Reply from Julie, Age 23 - 2/18/03 - IP#:
Reply from Pete, Age 17 - 2/17/03 - IP#:

From joseph , Age 43 - 2/13/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
HI thier your fraied joseph four nith in a row i wet the bed? to day i weant to the DR.he said i have a weak blader he said i suold try a daiper went i go to bed it will help me? keep my bed dry. scuold i try this? what daiper suold i try?
Reply from Ian, Age 45 - 7/2/03 - IP#:
Reply from Doug, Age 44 - 2/16/03 - IP#:
Reply from joseph, Age 43 - 2/14/03 - IP#:
Reply from Doug, Age 44 - 2/13/03 - IP#:

From xharrelx, Age 26 - 2/12/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
i've just started bedwetting again after not for about 5 years. is there any really effective way to keep it from my girlfriend. i haven't wet myself while she was sleeping next to me, but it's only a matter of time. I'm uneasy about vinyl or plastic pants because i was allergic to the aduly underpants i was weating when i was wetting a few years ago. i'd appreciate any suggestions.
Reply from robert, Age 32 - 3/9/03 - IP#:
Reply from Doug, Age 53 - 2/13/03 - IP#:

From Brett Ramone, Age 52 - 2/12/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
I had trouble wetting my bed all the time. The plastic sheets kept my mattress clean, but I still had to wash sheets all the time.Then I got one of those flat metal pee devices you slip under your covers and they buzz when they get would wake me up in time to make me run to the bathroom, and it pretty much cured the bedwetting...but now I cannot sleep anymore?And when I take sleeping pills, I piss my pants again.Any suggestions?
Reply from Lenny, Age 55 - 2/16/03 - IP#:
Reply from nisha, Age 25 - 2/12/03 - IP#:

From Mort, Age 60 - 2/11/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
Which are better pants vinyl or plastic and why?
Reply from Lenny, Age 55 - 2/12/03 - IP#:

From xSQx, Age 36 - 2/9/40 - IP#:  Click here to reply
hi, i've had a bedwetting problem for a few years. it's sort of strange, only happens on occasion. i got my tubes tied and that's around when it started happening... has anyone had a similar experience?

From tom, Age 34 - 2/10/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply
My 1st post...I am 34, m, married and living in California and I am a bedwetter. I have no apparent medical explanation for it, it just happens. I had to wear diapers at night until 14, then the wetting basically stopped. I only had between 1-3 accidents a year until I turned 20, and started to have partial accidents at night. By this, i mean while i was sleeping i would start to pee in my pants, but i'd wake up almost instantly and could run to the bathroom to finish. I almost always slept in underpants & sweat pants, so 9 times out of 10 it was enough protection to stop my bed from getting wet because i got up fast enough. Though my pants were always stained enough to tell i had obviously had an accident, which did cause some very embarrassing situations, like many if not all of us have experienced. These patial wettings happened more and more frequently as i got older, and i was wetting about 1 or two times a week when i turned 30. About 3 months ago, i had 2 full bed wetting accidents on consecutive nights, where i just woke up in the morning, cold, wet, and finished like i used to as a kid. My wife lost her patience and now insisted (for years she had suggested) i start wearing diapers to bed (we share the bed, can you blame her?) but now i can't feel it when i go in the diaper so i wake up wet every morning. Ironically, our relations are better since i'm wearing a diaper to bed (no more fear of a mess at night)but i really don't want to wear diapers at my age, and i feel i am no longer toilet trained for nighttime at all. Maybe i was too quick to agree to them, and the full wetting was just a one time thing. Any advise? Feel free to email me
Reply from Burnsie, Age 26 - 2/18/03 - IP#:
Reply from kanga, Age 54 - 2/12/03 - IP#:
Reply from ?, Age ? - 2/11/03 - IP#:
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